
Committees of the Supervisory Board

For the purpose of efficient organization of the internal control system, the Audit Committee has been established under the Bank’s Supervisory Board.

The task of the committee is to assist in ensuring control by the Supervisory Board of the bank, namely:

- For the qualifications and independence of the bank’s external auditing organization;

- For the activities of the Bank’s Internal Audit Department;

- For the quality and completeness of the financial and accounting statements of the bank;

- Over the bank’s compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the requirements of the competent(supervisory) state bodies.

Committee composition:  

1. Nuritdinova Madina Jalolitdinovna – Chairman of the Committee

Position: General Director Consultant 

Place of work: JSC «Kapital Sug’urta»

2. Alimov Ikrom Ismailjanovich – Committee member

Position: Director  

Place of work: LLC «Start Soft»

3. Nosirov Shoodil Nosirovich - Committee member

Position: Deputy Director

Place of work: LLC "GRANT THORNTON"

The main goal of the Committee is to assist the Bank’s Supervisory Board in the implementation of its regulatory and supervisory functions in the area of control over the availability and operation of an adequate risk management system in the bank, risk, analysis, improvement and strengthening of the risk management system

Committee composition:  

1. Karimbaev Sherzod Kobilovich – Chairman of the Committee

Position: General Director Consultant 

Place of work: JSC «Kapital Sug’urta»

2. Nuritdinova Madina Jalolitdinovna – Committee member 

Position: General Director Consultant 

Place of work: JSC «Kapital Sug’urta»

3. Nosirov Shoodil Nosirovich - Committee member

Position: Deputy Director

Place of work: LLC "GRANT THORNTON"

The Remuneration Committee was created in order to formulate a personnel policy for the selection of highly qualified specialists for the Bank’s Management Board, for the position of the Chairman of the Management Board, develop principles and criteria for determining the amount of remuneration and compensation paid to the bank’s employees, develop a transparent motivation system for bank employees, and prepare recommendations for creating and implementation of effective models and solutions in the field of personnel management.

Committee composition:  

1. Olimov Kakhramonjon Anvarovich – Chairman of the Committee 

Position: CEO’s councelor

Place of work: JSC «Kapital Sug’urta»

2. Karimbaev Sherzod Kobilovich – Committee member

Position: General Director Consultant 

Place of work: JSC «Kapital Sug’urta»

3.Akramov Sherzod Salimovich – Committee member

Position: Chairman of the board

Place of work: JSC «ANOR BANK»

4.Zanaxov Timur Farxidovich – Committee member

Position: Head of Legal Department 

Place of work: JSC «ANOR BANK»

5.Ilkhomzhonov Alijon Sanatjon ugli - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Business Planning Department

Place of work: "ANOR BANK" JSC

Committees of the Management Board

Responsible for the formation and implementation of the bank's strategic goals, analyzes market trends and develops long-term plans to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the organization.

Committee composition:

1. Akramov Sherzod Salimovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Board Chairman

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Nadjimitdinov Elyor Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: First Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Saydullayev Anvar Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

4. Azimov Sobitjon Sobirjon ugli - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Financial Management Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

It controls the bank's financial performance, analyzes the budget, manages assets and liabilities, and assesses financial risks. The Committee takes decisions on investments and resource allocation.

Committee composition:

1. Akramov Sherzod Salimovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Board Chairman

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Miryunusov Behzod Mirgafurovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Director of the Treasury Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Azimov Sobitjon Sobirjon ugli - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Financial Management Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

Focuses on recruiting, training, and developing bank staff, as well as evaluating their performance. The committee develops motivation and career growth programs to ensure a high level of professionalism and employee satisfaction.

Committee composition:

1. Akramov Sherzod Salimovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Board Chairman

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Nadjimitdinov Elyor Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: First Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Saydullayev Anvar Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

4. Kadirov Elbek Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

5. Zanakhov Timur Farhidovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of Legal Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

6. Norkin Maxim Igorevich - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the General Security Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

Analyzes and manages the bank's problem loans and assets, develops strategies for their restructuring or liquidation. The main goal is to minimize losses and improve the quality of the loan portfolio.

Committee composition:

1. Akramov Sherzod Salimovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Board Chairman

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Kadirov Elbek Rustamovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Yusupov Mahmud Muratovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Director of the Monitoring Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

4. Mahmudov Kamolitdin Mukhtarovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Head of the Credit Risk Management Department, Risk Management Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

1. Consideration of issues on lending to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity and individuals;

2. Development of procedures and methods of internal control over the state of the loan portfolio;

3. Coordination of the work of the bank's subdivisions with doubtful and hopeless debts to be recovered and equated to it.


Committee composition:

1. Kadirov Elbek Rustamovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Yusupov Mahmud Muratovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Director of the Monitoring Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Mahmudov Kamolitdin Mukhtarovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Deputy Head of the Credit Risk Management Department, Risk Management Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

4.  Zanakhov Timur Farhidovich - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of Legal Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

Responsible for identifying, assessing and managing operational risks related to the bank's activities. The Committee is developing measures to prevent incidents and minimize their consequences


Committee composition:

1.  Yusufzoda Elyor Sayyor ugli - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Information Technology Operation Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

The committee was established to facilitate the processes of developing information technologies (IT) in the bank in accordance with the requirements of business plans, to form partnerships between the bank's divisions in the area of IT development, to promote the development of the bank's IT infrastructure, as well as to facilitate the resolution of technical issues in the implementation of projects in the field of information technology in the Bank in accordance with the requirements of business plans.

Committee composition:

1. Saydullayev Anvar Rustamovich - Chairman of the Committee

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Yusufzoda Elyor Sayyor ugli - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Information Technology Operation Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Ambartsumov Ashot Valerievich - Member of the Committee

Position: Head of the Information Technology Operation Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

It is involved in planning and controlling the process of purchasing goods and services for the bank. The commission ensures compliance with budgetary restrictions, analyzes the proposals of suppliers and chooses the most favorable conditions for procurement.


Commission composition:

1. Azimov Sobitjon Sobirjon ugli - Chairman of the Commission

Position: Head of the Financial Management Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

2. Babayev Umid Muhammadovich - Member of the Commission

Position: Chief Accountant

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

3. Shomurodova Guzal Egamberdievna - Member of the Commission

Position: Chief of the Compliance Control and Internal Audit Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

4.  Zanakhov Timur Farhidovich - Member of the Commission

Position: Head of Legal Department

Workplace: "ANOR BANK" JSC

Director of the Compliance Control and Internal Audit Department
Department Director
Shamansurova Barno Muzaffarovna
Treasury Department
Department director
Miryunusov Behzod Mirgafurovich
Internal Control Department
Department director
Usmanov Sarvar Alimkhojaevich
Problem Assets Management Department
Department director
Yusupov Makhmud Muratovich
Credit Product Development Department
Department director
Okmirzaev Doniyor Dilmurodovich
Accounting and Reporting Department
Department director
Kosimov Bobur Botir Ugli
Retail Sales Department
Department director
Makhmudov Ulugbek Nasirovich
Corporate Business Department
Department director
Tashmukhamedov Shovkat Hikmatillaevich
Card Business Department
Department director
Ashirmukhamedov Akbar Muradzhabovich
Corporate Lending Department
Department director
Najmiddinov Sharobiddin Shakhobiddinovich
Non-Credit Products Department
Department director
Akhmedov Umidjon Bakhadirovich
Contact Center Department
Department director
Rikhsikhuzhaev Nodirkhuja Abdukodirovich
Human Resources Management Department
Department director
Isaeva Gulchekhra Abduhalilovna
Personnel Resource Management Department
Department Director
Jumaniyazova Anajan Kudratovna

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